Something is Wrong...
Something is wrong lately and I've been in such a funk and can't sleep nights. Some people generally just disappoint me, but that's only part of it. I'm tired from working on the house basically every night. Or maybe the funk is all my fault. I've been distancing myself from some people lately both because of the funk and just disappointment. I'm a person - not a bank, charity, comic relief, food pantry, shuttle service or a carpet. I have wide variety of friendships and some treat me better than others.
I posted a while ago on friendships and it's still something I struggle with. I must be doing something wrong. People are human and all mess up. I'm no where near perfect and mess us. We're made differently and not all of us are the same levels of caring, consideration or responsibility. We need to accept others and how they might think differently. However, it's learning from the mistakes, apologizing and not continuing to repeat them that separates us.
I know what you mean...friends suck sometimes.
However, as I am one of your friends, if I do something stupid or otherwise rude, please tell me, because if I haven't apologized for it yet, it means I haven't realized I have done something stupid or otherwise rude, which means I need to be told.
Love you!
Heeeeellllloooo RyZaar! How's life? Anyway, are you free sometime this summer to do stuff? I'm done with school! YIPEEE! If you're ever bored give me a call. Todd and I would love to have you over sometime.
I'm sorry your friends suck.
BTW, this is your sucky friend Julie. (The one who disappears during the school year.) :)
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