Quality, Not Quantity
Have you ever been to one of those restaurants that gives you tons of food that isn't very good, but it's really cheap? Sometimes quality is worth paying a little extra for. That analogy will make sense shortly...
I was reading a book lately and one of the questions it asked was are you seeking more alone time or more group/relationship time? I would have answered the question differently a few years ago than now. I've been feeling more alone lately and seeking more group/relationship time. Friends are dating, getting married, having kids, moving, changing jobs/careers and those all impact relationships, which are all normal parts of life. But here's the thing, when I was in college or even my early/mid 20's, I was always doing stuff and had lots of relationships but so many of them weren't healthy. I continued to invest in relationships that continued to bring me down or were just unhealthy...Ok, going back to my earlier analogy, I'm now seeking quality friendships/relationships not quantity. I'd rather have a few closer friends that I don't always get to see but I know care about me, than 20-30 surface relationships. A wise friend once told me you should be able to count your close friends on 2 hands, more than that could be too much unless you have time for all of them.
So what does this mean? Not sure yet, it'll be another interesting ride of life.
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