Thursday, May 18, 2006


Do you ever get angry? Come on, we all do in some way. I'm just as guilty as the next guy and I won't deny it. Just because no one sees us get angery, doesn't mean its ok. Anger doesn't have to be punching someone or yelling, but also thinking it. A few weeks ago in church, the pastor gave a great message about anger around James 1:19-22. "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angery." Isn't that the truth, but doing it sometimes is the hard part. Sometimes we need to think for the extra minute before our instincts take control. I used to be very quick to send back an email when some people would upset me, but I've been slowing realizing to wait a few hours or maybe even a day before I respond back. Sometimes it just isn't good to keep fueling the fire, especially over stupid stuff.

The pastor gave these steps to win the batter against anger...

1. Acknowledge anger exists and try to get rid of it
2. Confess
3. Forgive anger, but don't put up with it
4. Confront and reconcile
5. Develop a new nature

No guarantees I'll follow these, but I'll give it a shot.


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