Monday, January 15, 2007


I couldn't sleep last night and I pondered - where do I belong? I'll steal someone else's analogy on a different topic, but it's like a puzzle and each piece fits a certain place and in a certain way. The puzzle only is complete when all people fit in the right places. You can think of it several ways - either you're the puzzle piece or you're life is the puzzle.

For the first time in a while, I feel content at work which is great. I have no plans of changing jobs and I feel like I belong there for right now.

The rest of things are not as clear, from moving out to relationships to church. Either my puzzle is not fully complete or the pieces are not fitting together quite right. We'll see what happens...

Friday, January 05, 2007


I tend to keep a lot of crap, yes crap and really don't get it. Packratting is the new word this week. Old textbooks from college, will I ever use them? Clothes that fit, but I haven't worn in years? People need clothes and I have stuff just sitting around, not good. Old credit card receipts for groceries and the list goes on and on. I spent some time over break getting rid of stuff, but my resolution for the new year is get cut down on the packratting...