Thankgiving and Being Thankful...
Being in Europe for Thanksgiving, it's just another day here. We were walking around Copenhagen today when I realized, "today is thanksgiving." I did have a turkey sandwich for lunch, that counts for turkey :) Anyways, the point of this wasn't about having turkey for lunch, it's being thankful for that things you have in your life. Everytime I go to Europe I realize how fortunate I am and more thankful I should be. I have a job where as the unemployment rate here is 15-30% depending on the country, I'd love to make more money but so does everyone; I have plenty of food to eat and don't really think much at the grocery store in terms of only buying a few things; I'm able to travel and see places different from my own and learn from them; I have my mom and friends; I am thankful for God and his role in my life; I have a place to sleep each night and a car to get me to/from work; I have plenty of clothes to stay warm (ok, plenty for lots of people to stay warm).
Sometimes the smallest things are the ones we take for granted - food, water, clothing and shelter. Hopelly wherever you are, you can give thanks for the things in your lives. Happy Thanksgiving.