Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Trust and Reputation

Trust and reputation are 2 key elements in the way we live. You need to be able to trust someone in order to be their friend or in the business world. Trust is the foundation for any relationship and once it's broken, how easy it is to fix? Reputation is connected to trust. If your reputation is tranished, it's often hard to recover.

Lately, I've thought about this more as it relates to work, but also holds true in my non-work life. I try to be honest and geniune and want my words to mean something. Recently, my job put me in a situation that was a wild ride to say the least. I was told to do something and then our company changed their mind a week later after I made promises and committments to a client. In the end, the client was upset and had every right to be. I still remember his words "You've lost your credibillity." Wow. What do you even say back? "Sorry" doesn't seem like enough. For their viewpoint, it's true. Days later I still feel like crap about the whole situation. This particular situation is weird - I was only doing what I was told to do by my company. If I over-stepped my bounds or did something wrong, I'm willing to accept the responsibility for my actions. I've been able to gradually re-build credibility.

Trust and reputation are vital. I'm not the used car salesman type that only wants to "close the deal", but I want and try to make my words/actions mean something to friends, clients, relatives and anyone I come in contact with.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

No more mouse ears...

I said recently that I was starting to grow mouse ears with all my trips to Orlando. Our company decided to close our Orlando office 2 weeks ago. I had a feeling it would happen at some point. A very large account was lost and the office was closed a few days later. Hmm, coincidence? That office has always been my second office and has often given me more opportunities than my home office. I'm sad to see it go both personally and professionally. I've been going down there for almost 6 years and it's been a great group of people to work with over the years. I've been down there a few days this week and last week for client meetings which has been a little weird. I was on the airplane last week not really wanting to go, but I'm glad I did. It gave me a chance to see a few people who I might not see for a while. I hope and pray that everyone down there finds a job. In the end, I think everyone will be much happier and will be better off...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Places I've Been....

create your own visited countries map

create your own visited states map